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sam. 01 mai


Zoom at 18H (6pm) in Paris (Joy Cador)

Pre-Raphaelism, a modern art?

If there is one name, as enigmatic as his works, it is that of Pre-Raphaelism. A mysterious aura nimbe the young girls from the paintings of a Millais or Rossetti, and we remain musing before this spellbinding name. What is the origin of the movement, its principles, its influence on art?

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Pre-Raphaelism, a modern art?
Pre-Raphaelism, a modern art?

Date & lieu

01 mai 2021, 18:00 – 19:30 UTC+2

Zoom at 18H (6pm) in Paris (Joy Cador)

À propos

video conference hosted by Joy Cador, guide-lecturer


  • Pre-Raphaelism, a modern art?

    in english, without subtitles / en anglais et sans sous-titres

    10,00 €
    + 0,25 € de frais de service
    Vente expirée


0,00 €

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